Wholesale - the learning curve

Working with wholesale clients is a whole new thing for me but that requires it’s own post, which I will write another time.

Today I sent out my biggest parcel for my lovely wholesaler in Chester. To keep postage costs down I tried a new approach to packaging up the box. One box (extra cupboard inside so double layer) instead to 2 boxes and using tissue paper, cornstarch peanuts and bubble wrap around the edges. The bud vases I sent where wrapped in bubble wrap so more delicate than the spoon rests.

Now, I’m sitting here thinking did I add enough wrap. I should have used the cardboard bubble wrap I have though admittedly I’d forgotton I had it as it is hidden in a cupboard. ParcelForce have it now and I’m so anxious about it. Worse case sernano they all break and it will be a lessoned learned as I will have to remake them.

Being so tired from all the new business stuff and with Christmas approaching is making my feelings worse about it but I’m guessing I care about my wholesalers and don’t want to let them down.

Update: Only two broke and luckily, I had two spare so I was able to send them out (double-boxed this time). Phew!

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