the rules


When I thought about starting my website, I knew I would like a blog on it too. I used to write a personal blog over ten years ago and kept that up for a good few years. The problem with having a ceramics website is that I’m assuming people will expect the content to be about clay and offering tips on how to make mugs. I’m sure over time I will write about clay and its magical proprieties but I would also like to write more personal stuff.

My previous client (and friend) for my other job as a virtual assistant has just written a book about his childhood on a farm in the Cotswolds. It is an excellent book - I have an early copy and the book is due to be published in the Spring. I was sent a copy of a review by one of his publisher friends, that loved the book but also about breaking the rules. The book is about a childhood so far removed from the working life of publishing and that’s okay. The reviewer mentions all the books being printed these days are all about the cover, presentation design than paper quality and dare I say it, in the world of so many influencers getting book deals that the writing quality is lacking.

I am taking these words and I am going to write about everything and anything on my website amongst the photos of vases. Who knows if anyone will read it but I feel it will be nice to write down some thoughts again and breaking the rules.